Posted by
admin on Sep 19, 2014 in
Research Work |

In accordance with the emerging problems in the global socio-economic and industrial aspects, researchers across the world are trying to come up with most innovative solutions in order to combat those problems. In doing so, they are trying to focus on one or multiple problems, and while analyzing those problems, they are being encountered with several issues, which are very common in the area of research. Apparently these problems may seem to be pretty simple, yet while going deeper into those, they may come out to be more critical than it can be assumed.
There are some of the following areas, where researchers are being encountered with great deal of trouble:
- Literature review: This is a section, where majority of the researchers are being encountered with difficulties. In order to carry out a literature review, one of the major problems being faced by researchers is to find out the proper articles for reviewing purpose, as the volume of the exiting literature is quite huge. Apart from that, in most of the cases, researchers find it difficult to get hold of their desired articles, as the institutional subscription of those journals are not being done, and as a result, it may not be possible on their part to purchase those articles.
- Statistical analysis: While carrying out a research based study, researchers are being stuck with statistical methodology and statistical tool to be applied for the study. In many academic institutions across the world, senior academicians are mostly not aware of the latest trends in the field of econometrics and data analysis, and therefore, they cannot provide researchers working under their supervision with adequate support in this aspect. In these situations, it’s best to take help from expert statisticians who will guide you well.
- Data sources: Locating a proper data source, where the desirable form of required data can be available, may sometimes prove out to be a major challenge.
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